CHARLSTON, SC-the scene was less for Thursday night South Carolina 2012 GWP Presidential debate, with only four candidates left; RON Paul, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum.
Among the topics discussed was the right to life and Ron Paul, the only doctor on the Panel said that when he was practicing medicine, he always considered the treatment of a pregnant woman that "treating two patients. "
Dr. Paul recognize that abortion is a personal matter, adding that the Federal Government should not intervene in abortion. Paul instead, States should be allowed to make their own abortion laws.
Paul said that it would take "years and years" to obtain federal laws changed, adding that her solution was "repeal Roe versus Wade on the State by State basis." "
Some States have already strict restrictions on abortion, including, in Nebraska, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Oklahoma and Alabama, according to the New York Times.