Other Rumors Less Likely To Come True

There are some rumors that may be true, but it is possible that Apple stores for future iterations.

Thunderbolt Communications

No one ever knows how much it iPad 64 gb, usb 2.0 is available in the entire system created by the concluding work synchronized. Flash is not possible, but must be able to solve the Apple contains this kind of control. Wi-Fi and a second computer for synchronization, iCloud add a port that is contributing to the company, the establishment of such links is not a ' t iPad makes sense.

Greater storage capacity

At the beginning of the Apple iPhone, set, add new 64 GB model. Apple iPad may not be able to do the same with the offer 3, 64 and 128 gigabytes (GB) 32. Although the drives will be more accessible, ' want t, clear, if the price remains the same. Apple has become attached to this model, the iPad 16 GB 2 predict what analysts will sell for $ 100 cheaper than the iPad (3), as well as the iPhone 4.
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