GSam Battery Monitor Pro 2.16 apk

Get the latest android apps for your mobile. GSam Battery Monitor Pro v2.16
Requirements for GSam Battery Monitor Pro v2.16: 2.1+
Overview of GSam Battery Monitor Pro v2.16: Formerly known as Badass Battery Monitor, the Professional Edition of GSam Battery Monitor brings you all the acclaimed features of the Free version with additional function.

 Status bar notification for battery state and time left estimates
 Detailed display of what is using your battery
 Lists showing app usage allowing sorting by things such as CPU usage, Sensor usage, Wake Locks, Wake Time, etc.
 Set a custom time reference to see stats over a certain period of time.
 See time remaining estimates based on current and historical usage
 Add a widget to your home screen showing the battery status and time remaining
 Download or create your own icon themes
 Set audible alarms to know when your battery has finished charging
 Share and compare your average battery life with others

The Professional Edition also includes:

 Optimized views for Tablets or other devices with large screens. The app still scales down to smaller screened devices as well.
 More accurate time remaining estimates for devices such as tablets with long standby times.
 Enhanced control over certain application options
 More features to come!

What's in this version:

 Added optional Dark theme in Preferences - Dark is back by popular demand
 Fixed force close and icon not updating issues introduced in 2.15

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